Labels:bulletin board | hakham | monitor | person | poster | reckoner | sky | skyscraper | windowpane OCR: f 1889 and Vincent gave prominent pasition next to the twisting cypress. The tree itself rises dramatically ta touch Venus with foliated arm While this motif has also been seen as an imaginative addition, look atan advertisement for the asylum shows that tall cypresses did in fact surround the institution and grew past the windows of the inmates (Fig Indeed, they still da- although now they are neatly clipped and manicured An ex amination of a map f the region indicates that Mount Gaussier visible at the left, lies due south af Saint t-Rermy (Fig 16 Van Gogh's eastern expasure could thus have encompassed one of the lofty cypresses drawn in the ad. Here we may nate again that his easterly perspective takes in the Alpilles seer ina number of painted sketches and drawings executed ir his bedr ...